Monday, March 19, 2007

The Perks of the Job

I had the delightful opportunity to spend last Friday evening with two new clients of mine, Tony and Nicky. Rabid skiers from the UK who are visiting their holiday home in Salt Lake City, I recently met them while assisting them in a search for more property.

Once they arrived into town, they graciously invited me to their home for dinner. They wowed me with adventurous stories of their travels and the interesting people they have occasioned to meet. As I listened to their fascinating tales, I couldn't help but think that there simply weren't two more adorable people in the world. They shine outwardly with their understanding and sharing of the meaning of joy, life balance, and gratitude.

The lesson from an evening with these two is that life can be short and therefore must be lived with all the gusto we can muster. Together they gleefully keep themselves fit in mind, body, and spirit while enjoying their adventures to all corners of the world. Clearly they adore each other as well. There are a lot of lessons to learn from people who know how to live fully in the moment as Tony and Nicky do.

They fed me a delicious meal and gave me an evening to remember. Where else do you get such an opportunity to mingle with such interesting folks? It's a wonderful and special perk of the job.

Enjoy YOUR day!

Jennifer Bunker, CRS, GRI
Utah Real Estate Broker

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