You might want to ask him or her about a few of the report's interesting findings:
* 92% of Internet buyers found their agent on a web site; 63% found them through an

* In 2000, 28% of people said that they used the Internet as an important part of their home-buying and selection process. In 2006, 70% said they did
* 86% of home buyers started using the Internet as part of their process BEFORE they started looking for a specific home; the other 14% did after they started looking, but BEFORE they contacted a real estate agent; that means that 100% of buyers surveyed started looking at homes first, agents second.
* Internet buyers spent an average of 4.8 weeks doing research before contacting an agent; traditional buyers only 1.7 weeks.
* Internet buyers bought a home on average after spending 2.2 weeks looking for a home with an agent; traditional buyers spent an average of 7.1 weeks
* Internet buyers previewed an average of 6.7 homes with their agent (they had already eliminated ones they did not wish to see), traditional buyers previewed 15.4 homes
* Only 3% of all Internet connections available at the primary computer used for the home-buying process were dial-up: Internet home buyers and searchers are not sticking with dial-up, just as they are not sticking with traditional methods
* The approximate distance between previous residence and new residence for traditional buyers was 25 miles; for Internet buyers, it was 242 miles
* 69% of Internet buyers said response time was extremely important. 83% of those buyers chose email as their favored communication method with their agent. 0% chose "in person."
* Internet buyers were more satisfied with their agents: 4.3 to 3.3 for traditional buyers, on a scale of 5 where 5 is "surpassed expectations."
* 35% of traditional agents listed "faster response time from my agent" as the one thing they would change, if they could, about their experience; Internet buyers? 0%!
* Internet buyers were far more satisfied in every important researched category of satisfaction than traditional buyers were; when asked the number one reason for satisfaction with their agent, 91% of Internet buyers said that satisfaction was because their agent "was always quick to respond." Traditional buyers? Their number one reason was "worked hard on my behalf", chosen by 62% of them, leading us to conclude that traditional buyers did not find their agents "quick to respond."
How does your agent rate?
Jennifer Bunker. CRS, GRI
Utah Real Estate Broker
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