I recently had a new client call me about relocating into Utah. They are currently living in the South and the family's Mom expressed concerns about finding a good Elementary School in the Beehive State. In fact, a good school is her top criteria. "Find us a good school and then we'll move to whatever's nearby," she said.
It's a big order to fill. What is the definition of a "good" school? The answer to that complex query varies according to the paradigm of the person asking the question.
Her quest for information has us both searching the Internet for acceptable data for use in the family's decision. However, there really isn't a central location where schools are "ranked". In the end, this family will have to do what every other relocating family does, make a choice based upon what they were able to find out and then hope for the best.
In Utah, any decision probably won't be a bad decision. While raising my children thro
ugh three excellent schools here, I continually observed involved, caring parents, intelligent and interested children, teachers who are paid too little to not be doing the job from their hearts, and the highest quality/caring staff anywhere. It's safe to say you will find those same qualities in every one of Utah's public schools. It's how we are as a people. Children are this state's priority.

And, we have a large variety of private choices appearing on our Horizon as well. This is exciting. I believe that choice breeds excellence, which ultimately will shape both public and private schools into the very best that they can be.
I empathize with families moving into Utah (I did it once, too!) It's scary to not know what you are going to no matter where you are relocating. I admire all my clients who take the plunge and dive into the process with the tenacity and the courage of pioneers.
If you are considering a move to Utah, please call me. I'll get right to work for you. It is my job to ensure that you have the information and data that you need to feel comfortable with your difficult decisions.
And guess what? You're gonna love it here. You really are!If you are considering a move to Utah, please call me. I'll get right to work for you. It is my job to ensure that you have the information and data that you need to feel comfortable with your difficult decisions.
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