I received a call the other day from the Mayor of South Ogden, George Garwood, informing me that he had chosen me to fill a recently vacated seat on the city's Planning Commission.
I particularly honored because during my interview, Mayor Garwood told me that he had interviewed several very qualified people and that the decision would be very difficult to make.
It's an exciting time to be serving because there is so much going on, not only in South Ogden city, but also in the surrounding perimeters (Ogden, Washington Terrace, Layton, light rail, the Junction, the Powder Mountain debacle, etc).
I am discovering that South Ogden city is nearly built out, and as a result the city's Master Plan charts several courses of action for the revitalization of blighted areas, an interconnecting trail system, the citizen's desire to protect open spaces in the city, amongst others. The recent city survey shows that residents are very happy with their police and fire services, that they feel safe in South Ogden, and that we have a population who has owned homes in the city for many years more above the average.
What a fun time for me to arrive on the scene. The city is safe and thriving. The citizens are interested in revitalization and building up community areas. City leaders before me have carefully, thoughtfully, and methodically laid the foundation for what I envision as a fabulous time ahead for the city. It's like somebody already made the cake and all I have to do is decorate. I especially look forward to learning from my fellow residents as I begin to serve in this position.
Thanks for the appointment, Mayor Garwood!